The Path of the Blacksmith

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Prerequisite Quest(s)Following Quest(s)
The ArtisanBlacksmith Training: Crafting Tools

Quest Details

NPC Jinra Stormvalley.jpg
Sphere: Crafting
Start Chunk: Isle of Dawn
Quest Giver: Jinra Stormvalley
Minimum Level: 1
Related Chunks: Isle of Dawn
Related NPCs: -


Checkbox.png Confirm with Jinra Stormvalley that you wish to become a Blacksmith.


Jinra says, "The blacksmith mainly deals in the manipulation of metal. Naturally, this is going to include all sorts of weapons and heavier armors such as plate and chain. If you are interested in making melee weapons or heavy armor, this is the path for you. Also, blacksmiths are able to produce tools for harvesting and crafting."

Jinra nods to you. "Are you sure you want to become a blacksmith? You can change your mind later, but it's best to do it right the first time."

Speak to Jinra Stormvalley again to confirm you wish to become a Blacksmith.

Jinra slides her gaze over you. "You've decided for certain, then?"

Jinra nods in return. "I see. Well, let us go through each aspect of crafting, step-by-step, in order to make your training as smooth as possible."


Crafting Experience

Title Rewards

Prefix Title Reward
Novice Blacksmith