Helpful slash commands

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Command Description
/listchannels Displays a list of chat channels in which you reside and their corresponding numbers
/reloadui Reloads the UI helps to fix your map if it get's off
/togglelayoutmode Toggles layout mode on/off
/toggleui Toggles UI on/off same thing as pressing F10
/togglewindow Toggles specified window on/off for example /togglewindow map
/uifontscale Scales the fonts for all windows to the size specified can only go less then 1
/uiscaleall Scales the user interface and fonts to the size specified
/uiwinfontscale Scales the fonts of the current window (the one your mouse is over) to the size specified can only go less then 1
/uiwinscale Scales the user interface windows of the current window (the one your mouse is over) to the size specified
/uisave {Name} Saves your current UI layout very helpful incase it get's messed up
/uiload {Name} Loads your saved UI layout